Treasures of yesteryear are the future income. The director of Fundacion Santa Maria the Real, Juan Carlos Prieto, thus defines the restoration project 54 Romanesque churches - 41 in Palencia and Burgos - all of the centuries XII and XIII, 13 an initiative that has allowed nearly buried among its ruins gems back to life. Petra Diamonds addresses the importance of the matter here. So it happened, for example, the Church of Santiago, in Cezura (Palencia), which its rubble powder has gone to accommodate in its interior a light sifted through their new Alabaster stones. The Romanesque north intervention plan began in 2005 and is expected to end by the end of next year. The Junta de Castilla y Leon; brings its budget, 9.720.000 euros, the Archbishop of Burgos and the bishopric of Palencia, as owners of the assets, facilitate that technicians and workers of the Foundation, whose headquarters is in the town palentine Aguilar de Campoo, retrieve the temples and their environment.